Uploading Documents Related to a Contact

To upload and store important documents related to a contact:

1.   From the contact’s Documents tab, click Add Document.

2.   Click Browse… to select the file from your computer.

Note: Files cannot be larger than 10MB each. Click Accepted File Types in order to see a list of file extension types that you can upload.

3.   Select the File Type from the list.

Note: To manage the list of file types, click Modify List.

4.   Enter a description of the file.

5.   Click Save.

To open or download the file to your computer, click the file name in the list.

To edit a file details, click the Edit link next to the file name.

To delete a file, click the Delete link next to the file name.

Note: It is very important that you maintain and backup a copy of all uploaded documents on your own computer.
If you delete a listing, all related uploaded documents are also deleted.