Joining a Team

Once the Team Leader has created a team, they can invite other members of their team to join.

Team members can only join a team during the IXACT Contact signup process. The Team Leader must provide each team member with the Team ID and password, and direct them to our signup page at

Note: Team members with an existing IXACT Contact account cannot merge their account with a team account. If you wish to join a team, you will need to cancel your existing account, and then join the team as described below. If you wish to join a team using the same email address assigned to your existing account, you will need to have our Customer Support Team change the email address on your existing account upon cancelling it. While you cannot merge your existing data with the team account, if authorized by your Team Leader, you can export your contacts prior to cancelling your existing account, and then arrange with your Team Leader to have someone in our Customer Support Team import your contacts into the team account.

Joining a team

1.   In Step 1 of the signup process, select the check box labeled ‘I am joining an existing IXACT Contact team’.

2.   Enter the Team ID and Password provided by the Team Leader.

3.   Complete the remainder of the signup process.

Upon completion of the signup process, the Team Leader will receive an email notifying them that someone has signed up to join their team. Be assured that nobody can access a team account without first being authorized by the Team Leader.

Authorizing a new team member

Note: If you receive an email notification of someone who you do not wish to join your team, no action is necessary. However, if you are concerned that people may be trying to join your team under false pretences, you should change your team password immediately.

1.   Click User Profile in the top navigation bar.

2.   In the Account Tasks section, click Manage Team Members. The screen displays all users who have signed up to join the team.

3.   Next to the new team member name in the list, select the check box under Authorized?

Note: You can de-authorize a team member at any time by clearing the check box under Authorized?. As soon as you do this, the team member will no longer be able to login to your team account.

4.   You may grant the team member additional permissions related to the team contact list, such as exporting your contact list, importing contacts and/or deleting contacts.

5.   You can grant the team member visibility to all contacts by making them an "Administrator’.

6.   Click Save.

7.   Notify the team member that they can now login to the team account with the user ID and password provided in their welcome email.