Creating a Signature for Your Emails and Letters
IXACT Contact allows you to set up a signature that you can include at the end of your letters and mass emails.
Each member of a team can set up their own signature. When creating letters or mass emails, you can select which team member branding you wish to use. |
To set up your signature:
- Click User Profile in the secondary menu (top right of your screen).
- Click the Signature tab.
- Create your signature using the wysiwyg (“what you see is
what you get”) content
editor. The editor has many of the same features as word processor
software like Microsoft Word. If you’re not sure what a tool does,
hover over the buttons with your mouse and the name of the function
will appear.
Note The content editor Image Manager gives you access to the same image library that you use when creating your mass emails.
- Click Save.