Note: Before you can create a listing for a property, you must add the property to their contact record - see Keeping Track of a Contact's Properties.
To create a listing:
1. On the contact's Properties tab, in the Properties Summary section, click Create Listing beside the property for sale. (There will not be a Create Listing link if this property status is "Once Owned". If the property is already listed in Active Business, there will be a View Listing link that you can click to open the listing directly from the properties summary list.) The Add Active Business screen appears.
2. Enter the Asking Price, and the Listing Start and Expiry dates.
Use the drop-down list to select the Listing Agent from a list of team members. |
3. Indicate whether you want the listing expiry date to appear in your calendar and whether you want to receive a reminder.
The listing expiry date appointment is automatically created in the calendar of the selected listing agent. If you wish, you can also add the appointment to the calendar of another team member by selecting a second team member from the drop-down list to the right of the listing start date. |
4. Complete as many of the remaining fields as you wish.
Note: If you enter the commission percentages, the commission amounts are automatically calculated based on the asking price. Alternatively, you can enter the commission amounts directly.
5. The property information below the Create Listing section comes directly from the contact’s property record; any changes entered here are reflected in the contact’s property record.
6. Click Save. The property listing is added to the Active Business list.