When a contact has made an offer on a property, you can create a listing for it that includes information about the sale.
To create a listing to record a property sale (representing buyer):
1. In the Properties Summary section of the contact's Properties tab, or in the Active Business screen Active Buyer list, click Buy Property. The screen changes to the Active Business - Create Listing screen.
2. Indicate the property listing Status, Asking and Selling Price, Buying Commission, Offer Accepted Date, Closing Date, Move In Date, and the property Address. Complete as many of the other fields as you wish.
Use the drop-down to select the Buyer Closing Agent from a list of team members. |
Note: If you enter the commission percentages, the commission amounts are automatically calculated based on the selling price. Alternatively, you can enter the commission amounts directly.
Note: You can enter additional key dates that are not explicitly defined under the Other Key Dates section on the page. Simply click the Add Key Date link and enter the date details including whether you want to include it in your calendar, and click Add. Click the Edit link next to a date in order to update the date details, or click the Delete link to remove a date.
3. Indicate whether you want each key date to appear in your calendar and whether you want to receive a reminder.
Each key date appointment is automatically created in the calendar of the buyer closing agent. If you wish, you can also add each appointment to the calendar of another team member by selecting the team member from the drop-down list to the right of the listing start date. For each other key date set to include in calendar, use the Assign To drop-down list to select the team member calendar in which you wish to create the appointment. These appointments are also added to the calendar of the team member selected to the right of the listing start date. |
4. Click Save. The property listing is added to the Active Business list and the contact's Properties tab with a status of "Buying".
For information about updating this listing, see Updating a Listing's Status after a Sale.
To update a listing to record a property sale (representing seller):
1. In the Active Business list (or Home page), click the address link of the property listing.
2. Change the property listing Status as appropriate.
3. Enter the Selling Price, Selling Commission, Offer Accepted Date, and Closing Date. Complete as many of the other fields as you wish.
Note: If you enter the commission percentages, the commission amounts are automatically calculated based on the selling price. Alternatively, you can enter the commission amounts directly.
Note: The # Days on Market is calculated based on the Start Date and Conditions Waived Date (or Offer Accepted Date if the Conditions Waived Date is not entered).
Note: You can enter additional key dates that are not explicitly defined under the Other Key Dates section on the page. Simply click the Add Key Date link and enter the date details including whether you want to include it in your calendar, and click Add. Click the Edit link next to a date in order to update the date details, or click the Delete link to remove a date.
Use the drop-down list for the selection of the Seller Closing Agent from a list of team members. Each key date appointment is automatically created in the calendar of the seller closing agent. If you wish, you can also add each appointment to the calendar of another team member by selecting the team member from the drop-down list to the right of the listing start date. For each other key date set to include in calendar, use the Assign To drop-down list to select the team member calendar in which you wish to create the appointment. These appointments are also added to the calendar of the team member selected to the right of the listing start date. |
4. Click Save.
For information about updating this listing, see Updating a Listing's Status after a Sale.
To create a listing to record a property sale (representing buyer and seller):
1. In the Active Business list (or Home page), click the address link of the property listing.
2. When the property listing Status is changed to "Sold" or "Pending", change the Agent Representing to "Both".
3. Click Select Buyer to select the contact record of the buyer. The buyer must exist in your contact list.
4. Enter the Selling Price, Selling Commission, Buying Commission, Offer Accepted Date, Closing Date, and Move In Date. Complete as many of the other fields as you wish.
Note: If you enter the commission percentages, the commission amounts are automatically calculated based on the selling price. Alternatively, you can enter the commission amounts directly.
Note: You can enter additional key dates that are not explicitly defined under the Other Key Dates section on the page. Simply click the Add Key Date link and enter the date details including whether you want to include it in your calendar, and click Add. Click the Edit link next to a date in order to update the date details, or click the Delete link to remove a date.
Use the drop-down lists to select the Seller Closing Agent and Buyer Closing Agent from a list of team members. Each key date appointment is automatically created in the calendars of both the seller closing agent and the buyer closing agent. If you wish, you can also add each appointment to the calendar of another team member by selecting the team member from the drop-down list to the right of the listing start date. For each other key date set to include in calendar, use the Assign To drop-down list to select the team member calendar in which you wish to create the appointment. These appointments are also added to the calendar of the team member selected to the right of the listing start date. |
5. Click Save. The property is added to the buyer's contact Properties tab with a status of "Buying". The listing appears twice in the Active Business list, once under the seller's name and once under the buyer's name. The two entries in the Active Business list represent the same listing. You can open either entry to update the listing.
For information about updating this listing, see Updating a Listing's Status after a Sale.