Sometimes a contact doesn't realize how much work you do for them. It's easy to track your listing-related activities and give them a Service Report.
To track your work:
1. Click Active Business in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Add Notes beside the listing (or active buyer). (Any previous notes are displayed in the bottom half of the screen -- use the Edit or Delete links to modify or delete previously entered notes for the listing.)
3. Uncheck the box if you do not you wish to display the note on the Service or Summary Report.
4. Change the date and time, if necessary, and enter the text of your note.
5. Click Save.
6. Enter another note, or click Close.
To create a report of the listing information along with all notes entered, click Service Report beside the listing.
To create a report for the active buyer of all the notes entered, click Summary Report beside the buyer.