Use the Calendar to view or add appointments.
Click Calendar in the top navigation bar.
Use the controls at the top of the calendar to change the view to Day, Week, or Month. The controls at the top right allow you to navigate to the previous or next day (or week or month, depending on the current view).
To view a specific date, click the calendar icon beside Go To Date at the top. The single arrows change the month; the double arrows change the year. You can also click the month and year title in order to quickly navigate to another month/year.
To view or edit the details of an appointment shown on the calendar, click the appointment. (If you are in Month view, you will see a Show more link instead of separate appointment links; click Show more to view the Day view, then click the appointment.) See Adding an Appointment for information about the appointment record fields. When you are finished, click Save, Delete or Cancel as appropriate. You are returned to the calendar where you started.
Tip: You can view a list of today's appointments on your Home page.
a member of a team, you have full access to the calendars of other
team members who are sharing their calendar. Use the drop-down
list of team members to select the team member whose calendar
you wish to access. |