If you enter the details of your calls with a contact, you can create a valuable communications history with the contact. A "call" can be any personal communication, e.g. phone, personal email, personal meeting, etc. Record notes on calls both to and from the contact. Also use notes to record and create a history of general notes for a contact.
All notes are recorded in the contact's Contact History.
Note: You do not need to manually record any communications sent via IXACT Contact, i.e. letters or mass emails; these are recorded automatically in each contact's Contact History.
To enter note for a contact:
1. Open the contact record, and then click Enter Note.
2. Change the date and/or time of the note, if required.
3. Select the note type (phone call, meeting, note, etc.).
4. Enter the note.
5. Click Save.
You can also enter a note at any time by clicking the Quick Note icon for the contact in the Contacts list in the left column. Simply enter the details of the note in the pop-up window and click Save to record the entry to the contact’s Contact History. Upon saving, you are returned to what you were doing before without losing any work or valuable time. |