All of your contacts are listed under Contacts in the left column. They are sorted by last name/first name, or company name if no last/first name exists. If your contact list is not currently visible (i.e. if Calendar or Task List is open), click Contacts to open the contact list.
The contact list initially displays up to 20 contacts. You can display all contacts by scrolling to the bottom of the list and clicking the Show All link. However, if you have a large contact list, your contacts may take a long time to load. Instead we recommend using the search features described below to find a specific contact or contacts.
To search for a contact, either click a letter down the side, or enter one or more characters in the search field and press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon.
If you click a letter down the side, the list is filtered to show only contacts where the last name starts with the letter, or, if no last name is entered for a contact, where the first name starts with the letter or, if no name is entered for a contact, where the company name starts with the letter.
If the search field is used, the list is filtered to show all contacts that contain the character(s) in their main contact or spouse/partner first or last name, home address fields, or company name. You can also search by email address or phone number. The example below shows the contacts that contain "da".
To show all contacts again, click All. You can also use the search field to search by the main contact or spouse/partner email address.
The contact list shows the contact name, spouse/partner name and first phone number, for quick reference. If you want to see additional information (other phone numbers, email address(es), home address) without opening the contact record, hover over the contact in the list, and click the More Info icon (which then changes to the Less Info icon so you can collapse the information again).
Tip: When you click More Info, the contact's email address is shown as a link. To quickly send an email message to this contact, click the email address. A new email message will open in your email program.
To quickly enter a note for a contact, simply click the contact’s Quick Note icon, enter the note details in the pop-up window and click Save to record the note to the contact’s Contact History. Upon saving, you are returned to what you were doing before without losing any work or valuable time.
To quickly enter a task for a contact, click the contact’s Quick Task icon, enter the details of the task in the pop-up window, and click Save. Upon saving, you are returned to what you were doing before without losing any work.
The Quick Task pop-up includes an Assign To drop-down list for the selection of the team member to which the task is to be assigned. The list includes all team members who are sharing their task list. |
To open the contact record, click the contact's name link. The full contact record (Contact Profile and other tabs) opens in the work area on the right.