To create an email template:
1. Create an email message as described in Creating a Mass Email Message, but write it in a generic way, so it can be reused.
Note: If you are also going to send this message now, select the contacts to send it to. If you are only creating a template for future use, you do not need to select the contacts. Each time you create a message based on a template you must select the contacts at that time.
2. When the message is complete, preview it and then click Save Email as Template.
3. You are prompted to enter a name and select from one of the predefined categories (Marketing, Listing, Closing and Other) for the template. In order to more easily identify what the template contains when you are viewing the list of templates, you should also enter a description.
4. Click Save. Everything is saved except the selected contacts and the attachment if included.
All team members share the same set of email templates. The From (team member branding) selection is not saved with email templates. |
5. The email message remains open. If you want to send this message now to the selected contacts, click Send. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Your new template is listed in the Mass Emails tab.
To update or copy an email template:
1. On the Mass Emails tab, click the name link of the template you want to update or copy.
2. Make the changes as required, and then click Save Email as Template.
3. To update the template, click Save without changing the name. To create a new template, change the name, category and description as required, then click Save.
To create an email message from a template:
1. In the Mass Emails tab, click the name link of the template you want to use. Templates are divided into predefined categories: Marketing, Listing, Closing and Other. You can search your templates by selecting the category from the list at the top of the page, and/or by entering a keyword and clicking Search.
2. The email opens in the Create Mass Email tab.
3. Select the contacts to send the message to and, if desired, select an attachment.
4. Make any other changes as required. Note that this does not affect the template, which is just a starting point.
5. If you want to update or copy the template, click Save Email as Template. To update the template, click Save without changing the name. To create a new template, change the name, category and description as required, then click Save.
6. Complete as described in Creating a Mass Email Message.