Viewing All Active Business Listings and Active Buyers

Click Active Business in the top navigation bar.

The List of Active Business shows three sections. The Active Business section includes all Active, Sold, and Pending listings. The Active Buyers section includes all of your contacts who are actively looking for a property (the Active Buyer setting is selected in the Properties tab of their contact record). The Business History section includes all Closed, Canceled, Expired, and Withdrawn listings.

Note: The Active Business listings and Active Buyers are also available on your Home page for quick reference.

If I want to remove a listing, should I delete it or change its status to Canceled or Withdrawn?

If you created a listing in error, or were experimenting with the system and created test data, you can delete a listing from the Active Business list. Deleted listings are sent to the Recycle Bin, where they can be later restored if necessary.

If a listing is real and you want to properly track and build a history, you should change its status instead.