The Keep In Touch tab in the contact record lists all global events (whether this contact is assigned to them or not), the contact's birthday events, move-in anniversary event, Keep In Touch call events, any contact-specific events, and any activity plans assigned to the contact.
Note: The contact-specific Keep In Touch tab is used to manage contact-specific events and plans, as well as the contact’s assignments to global Keep In Touch events. The Keep In Touch button in the top navigation bar is used to create and manage global Keep In Touch events (as well as the default settings for the birthday events, move-in anniversary event, and Keep In Touch call events). The Activity Plans button in the top navigation bar is used to create Activity Plans.
· To view details of a Keep In Touch event (global or contact-specific), click its name link.
· Select or clear the Include Contact in Event check box to cause the contact to be included in (or excluded from) a global Keep In Touch event. (This is linked to the contact selection in the Keep In Touch event details: changes in one location are reflected in the other.)
· Once a birth date is entered for a main contact or a spouse/partner, the corresponding birthday event can then be activated for the contact by either opening and saving the birthday event or by clicking Activate. The event options default to the global birthday event but can be changed for the contact by opening, modifying and saving a contact-specific birthday event.
Note: If you wish, you can set a preference in the global Birthday event is automatically activated for contacts with a birth date. This applies to both the main contact birthday and the spouse/partner birthday.
· Once a move-in date is entered on a contact’s profile, the move-in anniversary event can be activated for the contact by either opening and saving the event or by clicking Activate. The event options default to the global move-in anniversary event but can be changed for the contact by opening, modifying and saving a contact-specific event.
Note: If you wish, you can set a preference in the global move-in anniversary event so that the event is automatically activated for contacts with a move-in date.
· Any Keep In Touch call event can be activated for the contact by either opening and saving the event or by clicking Activate. The event options default to the corresponding global event but can be changed for the contact by opening, modifying and saving a contact-specific event.
Note: For Keep In Touch call events, if you change the event options for a contact, you must still click the Activate button after saving the changes to the event in order to activate the event.
· To create an event that only applies to this contact, click Create a New Contact-Specific KIT Event. See Creating a Contact-Specific Keep In Touch Event for information about creating a contact-specific event.
· To assign an activity plan to a contact, click Assign a New Activity Plan. For more information, see Assigning an Activity Plan to a Contact. If you want to unassign an activity plan, click Unassign plan and delete incomplete tasks next to the plan in the list. The plan is unassigned and incomplete tasks are deleted. Completed tasks created from the plan are not deleted and remain in the contact’s activity history.