Creating a Mass Email Message

To create an email message:

1.   Click Mass Email in the top navigation bar.

The Your Mass Emails screen appears, showing two tabs: a Select Email Template tab that lists saved email templates, and a Create New Email tab that lets you create email messages and templates. If you want to use an existing email template, click the template name link. Templates are divided into predefined categories:  Marketing, Listing, Closing and Other. You can search your templates by selecting the category from the list at the top of the page, and/or by entering a keyword and clicking Search. To create a new email, simply click Create New Email.

2.   Click Select Contacts to choose who you want to receive the email message (see Selecting Contacts or List View).

Note: If you only want to include contacts whose preferred method of correspondence is Email, click the check box at the top of the search screen.

Note: The list only includes contacts that have at least one email address flagged as Send Mass Email and, by default, only contacts who have Accepts Mass Emails selected. If you want to include contacts who do not accept mass emails, check the Include Contacts set to NOT Accept Mass Emails box. Upon sending the email, you will be presented with a list of the selected contacts that do not accept mass emails and a warning about sending mass emails to these contacts. You can either reselect the recipients or send the emails anyway. Please ensure that you are not sending email messages that violate any laws and/or regulations pertaining to junk email, spam or unsolicited email.

Note: All mass emails include an Unsubscribe link. If the recipient clicks the link, their contact record Accepts Mass Emails setting will be automatically updated to "No". By default, the contact will not be included for future mass emails.

3.   Enter a compelling Subject line.

4.   Choose whether to Include or Exclude your email header. (For instructions on how to set up your personal email header, see Setting Up Your Email Header.)

Use the From drop-down list to select the team member branding to use for the email. The branding includes the email header, signature and the From email address.

5.   Choose whether to Include or Exclude the letter salutations defined in each contact's profile. Including letter salutations means your email messages will begin as a letter does, for example, "Dear Mary". This choice is a matter of personal style.

6.   Choose the font type and size of the salutations. This can be different from the font and size used for the body of the email.

7.   Enter the body content of your message using the formatting tools to change the way the content looks. The wysiwyg ("what you see is what you get") content editor provided for formatting the content has many of the same features as word processor software like Microsoft Word, including a spell checker. If you're not sure what a tool does, hover over the buttons with your mouse and the name of the function will appear. Experiment to get the look you want. Remember that, depending on the email system a contact uses, they may or may not be able to see this formatting.

8.   Choose whether to Include or Exclude your signature at the bottom of the email. (For instructions on how to set up your signature, see Creating a Signature for Your Emails and Letters.)

9.   Choose whether to Include or Exclude social media share buttons in your email.  

Note: Social media share buttons allow the recipients of your email to share it via various social channels, allowing you to increase its reach.

10.  If you wish to include an attachment, click Upload Attachment then, in the popup screen, click Browse… to select the file from your computer, then click Upload. File attachments cannot be larger than 5MB.

Note: For email deliverability reasons, attachments are not actually sent with your emails. The attachment file is stored on the IXACT Contact servers and a hyperlink to the file is included in the email. Recipients of the email will click on the hyperlink in order to download and open the file. The file is stored on our servers for 60 days after the email is sent.

Please preview the email to see how attachments are included in the body of the email and write the body content accordingly to refer to the attachment hyperlink.

Attachments sent in this manner dramatically decreases the chances of your emails going to junk mail and therefore significantly increases the chances of your contacts receiving and opening your email communications.

11.  By default, an entry will be added to the Contact History tab of each contact that you sent this email to. If you do not want to do this, select "No" next to Add an entry in the contact log.

12.  Choose whether you wish to send your email now, or, if you would like to send in the future, select Schedule At and choose the desired date and time.

Note: If you schedule an email, you can cancel it prior to the scheduled time by clicking the Cancel link in the Pending Scheduled Campaigns list in Email Campaign Reporting.

13.  Click Send Preview To send the message to yourself first (change the email address for the preview if desired; this does not change your User ID for signing in to IXACT Contact).

14.  Check your email inbox to see how the message will look to your other recipients.

15.  Make any changes necessary (and preview again if you want to). When you are satisfied with your message:

§       If you want to save this message to use again in the future, click Save Email as Template. Everything is saved except the selected contacts and the attachment. For more information, see Using Email Templates.

§       When you are ready to send the message to the selected contacts, click Send.

Note: You will receive a confirmation email once your emails have been queued to be sent to your contacts.