About Contacts

You already know that communicating effectively with past clients, hot prospects and business-to-business referral sources is key to building your business. When you use IXACT Contact to manage your contact information, you can easily:

·       Stay in touch with past clients, so you don't miss opportunities for repeat business.

·       Determine where your best leads are coming from (advertising? referrals? website?).

·       Be reminded to send a thank you note, birthday card, newsletter, email, or other important client communication.

·       Communicate effectively with referral sources, so they recommend you more often.

·       Follow-up on hot prospects at the right time, so you get the listings and not another realtor.


To do these things and to build lasting relationships with your prospects and clients, you need more than just a contact name and address. The IXACT Contact contact record includes the following information:

·       Contact Profile -- keeps track of home and work addresses, occupations, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, family members, hobbies, special interests and much more. You can even track lead sources. See Adding a Contact or Using the Contacts List.

·       Properties -- maintains a list of current and previously owned properties, as well as a contact's buying preferences. See Keeping Track of a Contact's Properties.

·       Keep In Touch -- allows you to set up birthday reminders and contact-specific events, and assign contacts to global events. See Viewing a Contact's Keep In Touch Events & Activity Plans.

·       Business Directory -- shows information from the Work Details section of the Contact Profile tab and allows you to enter other information that is to appear in your Business Directory. See Adding a Contact to the Business Directory.

·       Enter Notes -- allows you to record a note for a contact (see Entering Notes for a Contact). All notes are shown on the Contact History tab.

·       Activities/History -- displays all pending and completed activities, as well as a history of all notes entered for a contact, and all letters and mass emails sent to the contact (see Viewing a Contact's Activities & History).